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Business News

Microsoft becomes second-ever company to hit $3 trillion market value

25/01/2024 13:01 - Microsoft has been valued at more than $3 trillion (€2.7 trillion), partly due to its investment in AI-based projects. ...

The Sleepy Copyright Office in the Middle of a High-Stakes Clash Over A.I.

25/01/2024 12:01 - The office is reviewing how centuries-old laws should apply to artificial intelligence technology, with both content creators and tech giants arguing their cases. ...

Feeling Stuck? 5 Ways to Jumpstart Your Goals in Life

25/01/2024 12:01 - Mental health experts suggest exercises to knock down the internal roadblocks that are causing burnout and holding you back. ...

Shipping Costs Soar in Wake of Red Sea Attacks

25/01/2024 7:01 - Ships risking Houthi attacks must pay high insurance premiums, while vessels avoiding the region lose time going around Africa. ...

From Opposite Sides of War, a Hunt for Elusive Facts

25/01/2024 7:01 - The Israel-Hamas conflict has produced a prodigious amount of disinformation, putting people who fact-check claims — especially those who live in the region — back on their heels. ...

Boeing Reinstalled Panel That Later Blew Out of 737 Max Jet

25/01/2024 5:01 - Employees at its Washington State factory are said to have removed the door plug for further work before the plane was delivered to Alaska Airlines. ...

Grounded Boeing Max 9 Jets Could Resume Flying Within Days

25/01/2024 4:01 - The F.A.A. approved inspection guidelines for the 737s, one of which lost a body panel in flight. Alaska Airlines planned to start using them again on Friday and United on Sunday. ...

Biden Vetoes Republican Measure to Block Electric Vehicle Charging Stations

25/01/2024 3:01 - Republicans and some Democrats tried to repeal a waiver issued by the Biden administration that allows federally funded E.V. chargers to be made from imported iron and steel. ...

Biden Receives U.A.W. Endorsement With Conference Speech

25/01/2024 2:01 - The group, which endorsed President Biden in the 2020 election, made the self-described most “pro-union president in history” work for its official approval. ...

Tesla Profit From Car Sales Falls as Price Cuts Hurt

25/01/2024 2:01 - A tax benefit boosted quarterly earnings, but that masked a decline in earnings from carmaking caused by intensifying competition. ...

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